We caught the quail. And decided that this was the perfect time to try one. It was quickly cleaned & dressed in the kitchen sink. I rubbed a generous amount of bacon grease on the carcass, sprinkled it with pepper and baked it while I got pizza. It was done when I got back, so while dinner baked we tried it.

Mesha thought it was the best thing ever. After Hubby, Juju and I had enough of the little bird, she finished it off, bringing me a small pile of bones. She had been hesitant to try it (although intrigued by the tiny drumstick) but has now decided that she would like to eat another one tomorrow.
Juju is still not sure about eating cute animals.
PS I had to carry the hens to their entry and push them through the flap. I have done this both in and out and they have not yet figured out that the translucent piece of plastic will move out of their way. The ducks and in their usual spot next to the window and protested loudly when I triggered the motion sensor. (Inside their kennel is dark) I already know the poultry don't really like change. Any bets on how long before any of them figure it out?
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