I am one of those people with containers of "stuff I might use someday" especially craft type stuff. One of these shoe boxes is filled with tea light tins, various sized wicks and old candle wax. The wax is usually scented and I plan someday to make new tealight or jelly jar candles with it. Today however I noticed the designated bathroom candle had reached it's end - with still a 1/2 inch a wax below the wick.

Hmmm. I quickly filled a tin can from the recycle bin with some of the said old wax (this one a spicy autumn scent) and placed it into a pan of water on the stove. It tipped over. I patted the wax dry and tried again - with a little less water.
The metal anchor of the old wick was removed and a new wired wick was pressed into the still soft bottom. Add melted wax and we have a new candle that fits easily into the old holder!
I can't decide if this project is brilliant or just kinda weird.
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