Juju and I spent a couple hours roaming the fairgrounds in period costume, handing out cards for the Littleton History Museum fashion show we would later appear in. We didn't get to many strange looks, considering the steampunk community was out and about, and this urban fair had a Freakshow area. If I had had goggles I could have fit in with the former group. With the blue hair and gothic makeup of my college days, the latter.
Hubby and Mesha showed up in time for the show. (Our pictures of the runway turned out blurry.)

Juju was part of the "flannel family". The show was punctuated with stories taken from diaries or newspapers of the time. Her group represented parents with 3 kids - matching outfits because cloth was purchased by the bolt. The trip to town being 17 miles, a trip that long could not be done often in the 1860's. She is Laura-like in this picture is she not??

I was in a 1890's, oh-so-racy bicycling outfit. It was the beginning of trousers (MC hammer has nothing on these babies) for women. If the shirt was well boned, women were even known to go without a corset (the horror!)
We wandered around awhile. We saw the freakshow (the bearded lady was gorgeous! But Mesha was scared of Batboy and The Lizard man, but enjoyed the guys lying on nails and snapping their tongues in mousetraps.) Then we checked on Alice and Pippa. I had thought to supplement our flock with a couple hens, if available. We saw a large Buff Orphington for sale and some bantam brown leghorns. Then we saw the ducks. A mated pair of Welsh Harlequins - expected to lay at least 280 eggs a year.

Ivan was to be in the cat show, registered under "Fluffiest Cat". He was not happy in his little cat carrier and by the time the show started he was showing his displeasure. To Juju's disappointment, hers was the only entry in that category that showed up. She got 2nd place in the prettiest cat, partially for her good sportsmanship in her willingness to move to another category. !st place went to a Bengal. We left soon after, our runner up deserved to go home.
Not, however, before we bought the ducks.
Who the hell impulse buys ducks?! Any normal woman would be pining away for a Coach Purse or Jimmy Cho shoes. Hubby should be trying to justify a Tag Hauer watch. About 5 years ago I bought a Brighton necklace - after spending 4 hours hemming and hawing.
It took us less than 10 minutes to decide, separately, that we NEEDED these waterfowl. Our conversation, made entirely of looking at each other, then the pair took less than one.
We pick them up tomorrow after the fair is over.
There is something seriously wrong with us.
Ducks rock :) thankfully you have more space than an apartment kitchen. Can't wait to see pictures!