I would like to spin yarns about how busy I have been that I couldn't find time to share my experiences.
But I honestly don't know what I have been doing - other than avoiding the computer in general.
The weather has cooled into the 70's instead of the 90's and we have been taking advantage. Not in any real productive manner, mind you, but spending time on the back porch listening to the poultry, reading a book. Maybe with a beer.

We had one night dip into the lower 50's a week or so ago, killing the watermelon. Juju fed the vines to the hens and after mixing in rabbit manure tea I planted my first fall garden. Lettuce, peas, radish, kale, carrots, spinach and a few cabbages. There are actual markers and everything.
For S&G I planted some in soil and covered with straw mulch and others in straw mulch and covered with soil. No reason really - other than to see what happens and the lovely stripes keeping my rows separate.
The snow peas are planted under a couple trellises I "borrowed" from our roses - they never really used them anyway.
On a side note - I have a single asparagus frond from the 10 crowns I planted. I'm not really sure what that means - I wasn't expecting to see any growth this year.
Since planting we have had rain periodically, so I haven't even watered it very much. (Note to self: check soil tomorrow)
Another side note - both apple trees I picked from last year are bare of fruit this year. I am not sure how I will make applesauce since I refuse to buy fruit to can. The grapes in the alley, however, seem to be doing well.
Cooler weather has also meant Hubby ("The Lone Rooster" here on Urban Chicks Farm) has been able to do some metalwork again.
I found
this and
this online and started thinking about the cast iron columns that a neighbor had removed from his back porch that we gleefully scavenged earlier this summer.

He built this:
Possibly the coolest log storage I have ever seen. Below will be hardwood and above, softwood. (If, of course, I get around to ordering a cord before it gets cold) The basket on top is paper. The floor baskets have kindling and color cones (for extra entertainment)
I cut a worn out foam kitchen mat to fit under, protecting the floor.
He has been spending spare time in his shed these days - I am not yet sure what is next, but it involves horseshoes.
Finally, this week brings us the fall equinox, so we had our annual Last BBQ of Summer this past Saturday. It was a great blend of neighbors, work people and school people. There were about 25 kids running around the backyard catching grasshoppers (of which there has been many) and dropping them into the chicken yard with a squeal. That alone made it the best one yet of the last 8? 10? 12? years (I've lost track) We also had a duck naming contest, of sorts. Here are the suggestions, feel free to vote.
1. Joe & Sarah
2. Harley & Quinn
3. Cookies & Cream
4. Klondike & Snow
5. Cream & Puff
6. Gabriella & Rodrigo
7. Frick & Frack
8. Nepturne & Aphrodite
9. Dick & Jane
10. Jack & Jill
11. Jane & Mr. Darcy
12. Hansel & Gretel
13. Shrek & Fiona
14. Clark & Lois
15. Ralph & Alice
16. Mickey & Minnie
17. Kelp & Ocean
18. Quackmire & Quacken
19. Aflac
20. Gizmo
21. China Girl