Five baby chicks arrived this morning.
I lay the blame entirely on Jenna Woginrich. A couple months back I read her book. It is called Made from Scratch but I think of it (fondly) as get off your ass and get chickens already.
So here we are in the inner city of Minneapolis a coop in the backyard.
Yeah - all my peeps live in the 'hood.
They are all female and except for 2 Transylvanian Naked Necks (also known by the boring name Turkens), I don't know what kind they are. I couldn't decide so I ordered the "grab bag". Actually the whole set-up is a gift from my husband. I could not have done this without him.
OMG_ROFLMAO! This will be good- in every sense- so glad you are blogging- welcome to blogger land- miss you all much! xoxo D