Eliot Coleman has been around a long time in the organic world. He started market farming in the 70's and has been experimenting with expanding the harvest season ever since. He relates these experiments in this book, explaining what they have tried and why they decide for or against any one trial (well, multiple trials) The book contains charts from decades of trial and error that can be applied in any area.
I have picked up his previous books in past years, flipped through them and returned them to the library. I continued this personal trend in the later days of December, quickly setting it aside for other books the holidays brought me. But the enthusiasm with which the book was gifted made me look a second time. Our friend, in his excitement, called Chris and stopped by work to see me - well, to see if we had started reading it yet. After that I have yet to put it - or my highlighter - down. It has been the topic at the dinner table. Chris plans add his own colour after I finish.
We all have the ability to garden year around in our Ppatch, and our friend has already set up a cold frame this last fall to follow Mr. Coleman's advice. He has spinach, chard and kale to harvest from now and is eager to have us join in the endeavor and compare notes.
This video from PBS is a good overview.