Hubby got the call after I left for work that the 2nd 1/2 of our flock was ready for pickup. 4 Cornish (meat) + a Buff Americana/ Arcana.
He said nothing about it when I got home - only commenting that I would probably have some pasting issues (the Black Cuckoo Maran and the Speckled Sussex are having problems with this)
It didn't register at first - I just saw a couple chicks crashed out like they were dead - it wasn't until I picked one up that I realized there are now 10 chicks in a Costco apple box.

The Cornish - as you can see - are the quintessential farm chick, pale yellow. I was planning on naming them Quesadilla, Cacciatore, Dumpling, & Potpie. But really they look like a package of Peeps. So maybe they will just be The Peeps. Either way, I plan to get 4 more when these are 6 weeks. This breed is bred to be butchered at 8-12 weeks. Mesha suddenly had reservations about eating these - because they are so cute. . . Good thing they grow up. I don't want to explain to her just yet that they don't live much past that 12th week.

The eyes on this Buff Americana/Arcana are gorgeous. This one should lay green or blue eggs (Like Jane Doe) Hubby thinks this photo is very Clockwork Orange.
I guess we need to get the coop built now.
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