A black ladybug! Like the previously seen preying mantis, I have only read about these. Also like the mantis this elicited excited exclamations. (Say that 10 times fast)
This one was kicking it on the sheets I had hung on the (still temporary) line. It seemed to be really attracted to the warm white fabric.
The days are finally cooling a bit, I spent an hour today ripping the ivy away from the kitchen window and door - it had started invading.
The crock pot is full of chicken stock - to be pressure canned tomorrow night. There is double chocolate zucchini muffins in the freezer, and a couple loaves of maple nut zucchini bread on the counter. I have 3 bananas in the fridge begging to be made into bread. One of the neighbors behind us is allowing me to pick apples from his overloaded tree this week (tomorrow a.m.?) in exchange for a pie. Good thing too, as the family polished off the last of the cherry apple fruit leather this afternoon. I have started putting ripe roma tomatoes in the freezer to can when I have enough.
It won't be enough to stop grocery shopping, but it is a start.
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