Sitting by the fire with a warm beverage in January with a pile of seed catalogs and a pad of graph paper.
Using Ikea kitchen software for a remodel I will never do.
Putting together a wardrobe via catalogs of clothes. I do end up buying a single outfit, but rarely does it go farther. My hubby still owns more shoes than I do.
Amidst unpacking our life - Wishing we could have fit the couch and the tumbling compost bins - we are planning.
Craigslist has failed to offer up a rabbit hutch in our price range so we are designing one to be built w/ free materials offered instead.
It will go here:
It is the flagstone side yard with a narrow gate to the front, the kitchen door (on the other side of the tumble of ivy) and a closet sized potting shed. Roses and Clematis are climbing the fence and the tree is an unknown flowering variety. Just in front of the ivy are steps to the covered back deck.
The hen house, and enclosed yard (fox, hawks and coyotes oh my) will be here on the edge of the upper yard in the uncultivated area by the lilacs. But not until next year I think. The hens I want are out of stock at my pet chicken (black copper maran, gold laced polish or wyandotte, a standard frizzel or silkie plus an Araucana for those who want to know)
Now where to put the bee hive??
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