Monday, March 1, 2010

Spring cleaning

When Hubby built the coop he put it on 2 ft. legs so the hens could have protection from the rain and later have access to the garage annex.

Over the last couple of weeks, however, the ladies have kicked all of the straw out of the annex - all out the door and under the coop. The space was then barely 6 inches.

So I spent a good hour on my knees raking and forking straw from under the coop. (I love Carhart overalls! They make kneeling in the snow comfortable!)

While I was doing this, I heard a loud squeal/skweek. Yeah - I thought - take that mouse. They have been awful this winter - so bad we have even considered giving entrance for the local feral cats into the garage.

Then I went into the garage, where all the hens were glaring at me from the dog kennel/annex. I enticed them back outside with a handful of grain, blocked their doorway and cleaned all the straw from the garage floor.

It was not until I picked up the kennel to shop vac under that I saw the dead mouse. It hadn't been me, the small rodent had dared to intrude on the hens. They dispatched it and left it.

I guess it is not rugby season.

The hens are much happier now - they can now reach the bare ground under the compost bins.

Under all that raked out straw is snow.

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