Well not yet. The forecast for the over night low has been fluctuating between 32° and 38°F. The meteorologists have agreed on 70% chance of precipitation, but not on what form.
Prepare for the worst, right?
We picked all tomatoes that looked 1/2 way ripe. All the green bell peppers. A dozen medium sized Trombetta Squash. All the cucumbers.
The popcorn is not ready, nor is the Golden Bantam sweet corn. Nothing we can do about that. If we lose those crops it will be silage for the hens. The pole beans are going to seed, but they will have the same fate if they are not fully formed.
But the purple tomatillos (I am dying to make purple salsa with them and the similarly colored bell peppers) and the chilies. The other non bell peppers. The melons. These we covered.
Savers yielded us 7 flat sheets to make tents of sorts for these plants. Also the cucumbers and a volunteer winter squash (a hubbard type I think) that sprouted in the Blue Jade corn patch.
But still I am thrilled with this year's garden. Chris and I have have been more serious about growing than any other year. Even if the bush beans I planted as part of a fall garden die, this is the first year we have planted a fall garden (also carrots, turnips, cabbage and spinach which may do fine)
Our pantry will be filled with homemade pasta sauce and tomato soup. Applesauce and apple rings. Apple cider. There is tomato paste in the freezer along with bell peppers and corn. And we have pickles of cucumber, bean and cauliflower.
In fact, I will use the last of my canning jars this weekend.
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