Kentucky wonder pole beans. The books said the first week of July is the last chance to plant these.
blue field peas (last years leftover seed) and onions (leftover from earlier planting)
2 yellow squash!
Basil, onion and roma tomatoes (no blossom end rot! It is amazing what watering does for the happiness of our plants!) There are also cherry tomato and Mr. Stripey tomato + carrots (seeded 3x now with new seeds and minimal sprouting) and a single radish (from 6 seeds leftover from a couple years ago.
For the most part I feel good about this year's garden. The soil has not been amended (or weeded) for at least 4 years and we started planting in June. I've been watching the sun movement and have big plans for next year (I always do!) Sheet mulching will play a big part in my fall projects.
We have a lot of information sources here. Across the street is a retired botanist and we have met a couple neighbors who are serious about their vegetable gardens. (#1 advice - mulch) Plus the local extension service is 6 blocks away.
I have my criminal barrel that helps keep the plants healthy, and me feeling happily subversive. I have rabbit pellets to side dress. (no need to compost them! It has something to do with their vegetarian diet)
All of this makes me optimistic for next spring!
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