Every family get together we leave with more than we brought. Today was no different.
My uncle gave me 2 bags of feed for the hens and my cousin gave the girls art supplies and dress up clothes.
But now we also have a rabbit. Meet Sir Cadbury (bock bock bock) He is the runt of a litter and has been a little mangled by others on the farm he is from. We don't even know how old he is or what kind.
I had intended to get a rabbit this year, but I was more thinking of going to the Shepherd's Festival in May and getting an angora. But Sir Cadbury is free and my daughters are ecstatic.
After they are in bed, Hubby and I will clean his left eye (currently matted shut) and see if he needs vet attention. Tomorrow there will be a trip to Fleet Farm to get a water bottle and pellets while Hubby builds a hutch.
At least I don't need another permit for him. The hutch will also live inside the hen yard so the pellets can fall through and mix with the straw. Using this compost should repel wild rabbits. Bonus!
On a different note - I don't remember this kind of weather during Easter weekend during the last 7 years. Usually it is cold and nothing green is coming up. There were even tomato starts at home depot! Mostly in early April here in MN the only plant options are forced flower bulbs.
The girls and I plan to plant lettuce and peas this week.
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