Colorado's fickle weather has caused me to add a new step in my morning routine. When my alarm clock announces the beginning of a new day I reach for my phone to check the weather. The day was supposed to be in the 60's (and it was) but my app informed be that our zip code was currently 27°F.
I jumped out of bed and layered on leggings and sweats, grabbed my shoes and a flannel hoodie, ran downstairs and out the door.
Impeding company (that would be you mom) necessitated the chicks move out of the guest room bathtub. (Well that and the fact that they jump out but can't figure out how to get back in.) Chris and I rolled (literally - that thing is heavy) the original coop out of the back corner of the yard and set it up again against the brick wall of the basement. Electricity for the heat lamp was strung to the shed and the windows covered with plastic. A thick layer of straw and a large feeder was added. The chicks were moved in on Friday along with the older buff cochin that has protected new additions to our flock before. We figured she would let them share her body heat. The chicks are mostly feathered out, but vision of frozen birds was in my head.
I needn't have worried. It was 47° inside the small coop. Their water wasn't even frozen. All the birds protested greatly to the open door so I closed it and went back inside to start coffee.