Monday, June 28, 2010

I love surprises

In the back corner, by the parking area I found this!!!

The tree is old - half dead, being attacked by overzealous vines.

But it is an APPLE TREE!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

It's not honeysuckle

What a nice addition to the the side yard off the kitchen

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A home for Cadbury

Hubby finished the hutch - just in time for the rain to stop. The rabbit loves his 2 level home. He can be seen cavorting on the bottom before racing up the ramp to stand on his hind legs peeking out the windows. We will get some straw to fill the "loft" space. It is designed to match the blacksmith shop.

And the only thing he had to buy was the hardware cloth. Good Man, my spouse.

We believe there is paint to match in the basement, otherwise we have a trip to the home improvement store soon.