4 more pints of stewed tomatoes
1 quite tasty doorstop. It didn't raise as much as it should have, but the wheat flour, wheat berries, rolled oats combo is quite good. I have enough dough for one more loaf in the fridge that I will bake up this weekend. Meanwhile this loaf is now being toasted as croutons for the cheesy corn chowder I made for dinner.
7+ quarts of turkeyish stock turned out cloudy. I tried to clarify it with the egg white technique. It didn't work so I just canned it as is since it smelled and tasted fine. Which left me with 6 egg yolks.
These became Butterscotch Pot de Creme for dessert tonight (if they have time to set up) or tomorrow (if they do not).
I even took an hour to weed the bed under the crabapple tree - I threw a couple old zucchini's in it to with the idea of volunteer plants come spring.